Salat – Prayer
Dua in SujoodDua durant le Sujood
When is the best time to do dua in sujood…[fr]Quel est le meilleur moment de faire une dua pendant le sujood… (j’ai lu que c’est durant le dernier sujood de la sunnah du fajr)?…[/fr] Continue reading
Salam Alaykum wrwb. I have diagnosed with both GERD and IBS. I have had the symptoms for the last 7-8 years. As a result it is very hard for me to keep wudu. By the time I do Tahiyat-ul-wudu, I often have to make new wudu again. Continue reading
Eid falling on Friday ruling..
Salafis in Sri Lanka are very strict Eid festival falls on Friday, they do not perform Jumma saying its NOT NEEDED (Also they dont pray Luhar) & following was their reasons. Continue reading
Zikr / Dhikr in the bathroom
Is zikr / dhikr permissible whilst in the bathroom? For instance, can we read within our hearts? Continue reading
prayers while travelling
I was just wondering when a person is travelling for example away from home for like 15-20 days or more what is the prayers that have to offered. Continue reading
making up missed prayers in place of sunnat e muakkdah
if someone has missed prayers for a long period of time,say 5 years,is it permissible for him to make up those missed prayers in place of sunnat e muakkdah of his daily prayers according to ”hanafi view”?(i.e not offering the 2 sunnat before fajr and offering 2 rakaat of missed prayer instead and doing the same for the sunan e muakkdah of zuhar,maghrib and isha).
Please tell the ”hanafi view” in this regard.
May Allah raise your ranks and syedna wa Maulana Sheikh Nazim’s ranks.
Shukran ya syyedi. Continue reading
Is sunnah prayers allow between Arshar and Margrib prayers?
Q: Please forgive me. Just really want to know if we can pray 2 rakaats of Sunnah Wudu prayers as well as Masjid prayers while waiting for the adzaan for Margrib? Continue reading
Prayer Request: marriage
Recently, there has been a lot of unrest around me and my fiancee too, especially in our families. Continue reading
Dream: I asked Allah in my salat
I wanted to know something, so I asked Allah azzawajel in my salat. Continue reading
White LightUne lumière blanche
About 2 weeks ago I started to see this white/yellow light on the floor. I only see this light after my prayers and at the end when I’m giving my salams.[fr]Depuis environ deux semaines, je vois une lumière blanche/jaune par terre. Je vois cette lumière uniquement après mes prières au moment de faire les salams…[/fr] Continue reading