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Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Blanked out
Respected Sheikh,
As i am doing Marqaba daily,i am feeling blanked out. I don’t fall asleep in marqaba,but i feel my knowledge is being erased and i need to start learning things again. I feel like illitrate day by day, as if i know nothing about Islam and i long to gain knowledge. Please advise me what i need to do :( Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged action, blanked out, correct belief, guidance, incorrect belief, muraqabah, shaykh
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Renew Baya
I would like to Renew my Baya Shaykh. Please forgive my shortcomings and bad manners. Continue reading
Maulana’s instruction to stay home in the evenings
Q: I am a revert murid (45 years old), unmarried and living and working in a small city in England with almost no Muslims. I have no Muslim friends here and the nearest Dhikr is 40 miles away. Continue reading
Seeing Laylat al Qadr.
Q: What does it mean if some human being has seen Laylat ul Qadr for real and not in a dream, please? Jazak Allah bi Khayr. Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf), Sunnah
Tagged acceptance, angels, descent, du`a, Laylat al-Qadr, light, prayer, stillness, supplication
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Salat an Najat
Q: What is Salat an Najat and when and how do you pray this particular prayer? Continue reading
Opening a zikr center
Q: I read that we can organise congregationnal zikr at home as we want though, I would like to know how to do if we want to go further so that people in Bengkulu may attend sohbas and have real congregationnal activities? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged congregation, dhikr, organize, suhbat
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1)Can we talk to our sheikh in marqaba, in our mind when we are visualizing our sheikh.
2)Can we meet our beloved Prophet SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam in marqaba? Or is it something dfficult to achieve…. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged connection, muraqabah, Prophet Muhammad (s), shaykh, spirituality
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Awrad during menstruations
Question: Assalâmu ‘alaykoum wa rahmatullâhi wa barakâtuhu A’udhu billâhi minach-chaïtânir-rajîm, Bismillâhir-rahmânir-rahîm, Ya shaikh, I often hear “No shame fid-din“, but it is a bit difficult for me to ask you this question. I am not able to make my awrad … Continue reading
About love
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, I recently attended a yoga chanting event and I really felt that my heart was able to open and so much positive energy and love, joy an inner satisfaction (as best as I am able to … Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged divine love, love of Allah, spirituality
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