Tag Archives: adab
Title, “Rahmat lil-`aalameen”
Upon reaching this famous verse, he said that one should know that this title, “rahmat lil-`aalameen”, is NOT “khaass” for the Prophet, Sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam. Continue reading
Dream: Family dispute
There are times when i do remember the dreams like today I had a dream where my mother was trying to kick to me out of the house, causing problems between my father and I… Continue reading
Reference book on manners sought
Would you please recommend a book that instructs on everyday manners and good adab? I would like to keep such a book as a reference at home. Continue reading
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
I was wondering if you could tell me the station of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen? Because I find it difficult to understand a few of what he is saying. Some of what he says makes sense because of the culture that we share… Continue reading
Permission for wird
I would like to ask permission to recite the names Ya Sabur and Ya Aliyyu so that I may benefit from them. I’d like to be relieved of a difficulty so I’d like to recite Ya Sabur… Continue reading
Critical Thinking and Debate in Tariqa
My problem is you see that in tariqat all debate and critical thinking is stifled and the more I watch videos of the Shaikh for whom I have great affection I see his mureeds rendered into a state of infantalism in front of a beloved icon… Continue reading
Astagfirullah, Shukrulillah
I Just Want to say Astagfirullah, for my lackness of adab to Mawlana Sheikh Hissham when he come to our country (Chile). Continue reading
Grand Shaykh Amhad al Faruqui
I was going through the golden chain i cam across Shaykh Ahmad al-Faruqi and i become a great admirer of him i have developed a strange attachment towards him is this ok. Continue reading
How to leave tariqa with adab
If one has taken Bay’ah and soon realises that he cannot commit to the Awraad and… Continue reading
Adab of visiting Mawlana Shaykh Nazim
What is the correct adab when visiting Mawlana Shaykh Mohammad Nazim… Continue reading