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Tag Archives: Allah’s Rights
Dream: Snake biting
I’m an English converted Muslim and I’m writing my husband’s dream. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah's Rights, animal, animal feces, bite, biting, black snake, chain, cure, doctor, dunya, face, feces, finger, friend, garden, guidance, heap, hopsital, huquq Allah, love of dunya, material world, materialism, medicine, numb, poison, prayer, repent, repentance, salat, snake, walking, waste
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Does Creation Have Rights over Allah?
Question: Is it correct to say that creation has rights over Allah? Answer: Only in the terms the Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) said: “Do you all know what right Allah Most High has over His servants? The right … Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Allah's Rights, belief, creation, creed, doctrine, huquq al-`ibad, huquq Allah, servants' rights
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