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Tag Archives: conscience
Heart’s Disturbances
Salamou’alaykoum ya qutb lmutassarrif,madadu lhaq,may Allah raise you more and more,
I sometimes have disturbances in my heart. I’m not sick but I feel that they warn me that my decisions are wrong and that I must abstain. Is this possible? What is the origin? I also have spasms in my legs.
Barakallahou fikoum.
Salamou’alaykoum Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged conscience, dameer, indications, intuition, isharat, signs
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Can a Muslim be an American Soldier
I converted to Islam while on deployment to Iraq, and still am in the US Army… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged American soldier, army, conscience, contract, convert, courage, deployment, difference of opinion, different views, enemy, fatwa, hadith, heart, Islam, military, Muslim, revert, soldier, truthfulness, understanding, US Army
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Dream: In a gathering with other women and both my parents
One woman there asked me why can’t Kate’s (the wife of Prince William) mother keep her original father’s name… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black, book, conscience, covered, daughter, Day of Promises, Divine Presence, dunya, face, father's name, identity, Islamic clothes, jewelry, Kate, life, liking, marry, mother, murshid, name, Naqshbandi Haqqani Mevlevi Shaykh, necklaces, obscured, original name, picture, Prince William, real baya`, real being, reconnect, royalty, spiritual lineage, spirituality, symbols, taste, treasure chest
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Submitted Assignment with Help from Senior Students
I have recently submitted a university group assignment. One group member provided a copy of the exact same assignment by a senior student… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged acceptable, calculations, conscience, consultation, copy, deeds, group, group assignment, halal, intention, judge, lawfulness, lecturer, member, project, rules, university, worry
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Conditions for Intention in Ibadah
What are the conditions for a valid intention in any act of ibadah? (mainly wudu’, prayers and ghusl)… Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged `ibadah, ablution, Arabic, conscience, doubts, focus, full ablution, ghusl, heart, intention, jahri, loud voice, native language, niyyah, prayer, repeat prayers, sake of Allah, salat, sirri, wudu
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Istikhara Prayer
In making important decisions it is recommended to ask advice when one is not sure about the right course of action. The first type of advice is from those whom one trusts and considers competent to answer. This is istishara. If this is insufficient then one makes istikhara… Continue reading