Tag Archives: desire
I visited prostitute. I have repented. But I get lonely, depressed… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Cannot control lust and jobless
I am 29 and half years old in Karachi, Pakistan and I cannot control my lust and I do not have any job.[fr]I am Mureed of the Great Sheikh KHWAJA ABULKHAIR PIR MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH JAN of Darbar Murshidabad Sharif, Peshawar and Astana Khairia Islamabad.[/fr] Continue reading
Harut and Marut
I want asked story about angel of harut and marut…..I really confused story about angel harut and marut….why Allah send them to the world. Continue reading
I will be leaving college next year and I have been asked by my teahcer to tell him whether or not I want to attend university to study further… Continue reading
Dream: Surface of tooth fell out
I dreamt that from the upper left molar, the surface of one tooth was chipped and fell out… Continue reading
Dream: Praying namaz on water
I was praying namaz in real and I had a vision that I was sitting on water and praying namaz without a prayer mat… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Recitation
I like to recite Nasheed/Naat shareef but I don’t have melody in my recitation… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For my Father’s loans
Please pray for my Father, that Allah subhanuatala puts the necessary strength, desire and sincerity in heart, so that inshaAllah he may pay off his loans… Continue reading
Q: I m finding it very hard to accept that some people have it all and others have nothing. Im always struggling about what i don’t have although hamdella God has given me good things in life. Continue reading
Strange relationshipRelation Étrange
Q: I’m in love with a woman and can’t get her of my head, from 4 years, which is haram to me because she is married with two children. I never told her.[fr]Je suis amoureux d”une femme et ne peux l’ôter de mon esprit depuis 4 ans, et ceci est haram car elle est marié avec deux enfants…[/fr] Continue reading