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Tag Archives: drugs
Salaahs not accepted when you drink alcohol?
I heard when you drink alcohol or consume drugs your ibaadah is not accepted for 40 days Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Salat - Prayer
Tagged alcohol, drugs, forgiveness, haram, maghfira, salat
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ayahuasca and similar entheogens
We all know that intoxicants are not allowed, Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged drugs, hallucinogens, intoxicants, khamr, marijuana
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Children on drugs
My sister is a single parent and her 3 sons whom she brought up with very hardship are all on drugs. Please help us, tell us duas to read.
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Posted in Family Issues
Tagged children on drugs, drug abuse, drug addiction, drugs, du`a, fajr, guidance, on drugs, Verse of Light
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Abusive father
My father has been abusive since I was young, he does not contribute to the household income. Rather, he lives off my mother (and often takes her money without her knowledge in large sums). Of late, he has eased on abusing me and my two sisters (he only has 3 daughters). He has also been abusing drugs since a long time ago… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged abusive, drugs, father, homosexuality, legal consult, sadaqa, stealing money
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Prayer Request: My brother is on the wrong path
I have one brother who is older then me. He is on the wrong path; he does a lot of bad things and is depressed… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Prayer Request
Tagged black magic, brother, depression, drugs, parents, self-destructive behavior, sihr, son, wife
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Is there forgiveness for a sinner?
Q: Has Maulana Shaykh Nazim thrown me out from the Tariqat because I’ve not done my award, I don’t do my prayers, I don’t fast, I’ve committed Adultery even taken drugs. I’ve renewed my bayat but I feel so empty… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged adultery, al-Ghafoor, al-Raheem, drugs, Gulistan, repentance, Sa`di, sin, The Forgiver, The Merciful
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Islamic Medicine
Question: Auzobillahi Minushaytanir Rajeem… Bismillahir Rehmanir Raheem. Assalam o Alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu Ya Hajjah, Early Muslims had knowledges of human body mechanism when there was no sign of MRIs and Cat-Scans. and they were curing several people alhumdulillah. … Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Health
Tagged body, catscan, Charity, cure, drugs, health, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, illness, medicine, MRI, sadaqa, Tibb an-Nabawi, Tibb Yunani
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