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Tag Archives: dunya
Dream: Black Abaya
Mujhy khwab aya k do aurtien muj se milne ati hain jinho ne black abaya pehna hota ha or naqaab b kiya hota ha. Continue reading
Music of Jannah
I’ve heard that those who do not listen to the music of the dunya will get to enjoy the music of Jannah. If so, does that mean that those who do listen to any sort of music in the dunya will be deprived of that opportunity, and even might not even enter Jannah for doing so?? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged dunya, heaven, jannah, music, pemissibility of music
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Someone who is hafiz Quran but does illicit thing
Bismillah. I would like to ask, I know someone who is hafiz Quran, memorized every of the surah and ayah. But this person does illicit thing, such as zina etc. same as someone who does huge amount of zikr, but watch illicit haraam thing. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, dunya, hafiz, hafiz al-Qur'an, hawa, illicit relations, imam, looking at haraam, nafs, repentance, Shaytan, sinner, tawbah
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I like to read the eshaykh answers daily for guidance, but I notice many questions from our brothers/sisters about being in love with certain men/women – why is the ummah so obsessed with romantic love. Is this normal, or another sign of the end times we are living in? Continue reading
Posted in General, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged dunya, end of times, hawa, in love, loved one, men and women, nafs, obsessed, obsession, romance, romantic relationship, second jahiliyya, Shaytan
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Dream: Sultan has passed away then came back
I had a strange dream. I saw Shaykh Nazim laying down on the floor, not moving, he has passed away. He had his turban on and I was sitting near his body. People from his house were around him and everyone was crying and sad. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged akhira, dunya, love, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, soul, souls, spiritual reality
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Dream: Mawlana dream
Well I had a dream that I was in the woods with Mawlana Shaykh Nazim along with the Naqshbandi brothers… Continue reading
Harut and Marut
I want asked story about angel of harut and marut…..I really confused story about angel harut and marut….why Allah send them to the world. Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged afterlife, black magic, desire, devil, Divine Purpose, Divine Will, dunya, evil, freedom of choice, human will, intention, irada, kufr, magic, sihr, sorcery, temptation, test, trial, unbelief, wizardry
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Dream: Hand & Purse
I saw in my dream two very beautiful hands on the sky holding a beautiful purse…perhaps first they were like clouds, but after that they became like some grey colored stones…looking very beautiful… Continue reading
Dream: Skeleton of chicken
I saw a dream, I take one chicken and as punishment I take off all it’s skin and meat… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged chicken, dunya, financial difficulties
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Istikhara Request : To Find a Job or Set Up Small Business
My name is ([private]) from Jakarta,Indonesia. Recently I just quit my job coz I want to have more time for my family n for worship. Continue reading