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Tag Archives: father
Prayer Request: for my father
assalam o alikum
plz pray for my father his understanding with my mom is not good and he also not contribute in house affairs at all in spite of doing job where he spend his salary we dont know plz pray that he start taking interest in house affairs and have good relation with mama. and his anger is too high plz tell something Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes, father, filial duty, love, parents, respect
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Domestic Violence/concerning a parent
I recently heard that my father lives near a city in Medina and also heard that he is spreading false rumours about me to his relatives… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged cruelty, father, filial duty
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Prayer Request: Please make dua for my mother
I am writing for my mother who is a very pious lady, but has been very ill for the past few years. We suspected sirrh so she asked someone for a wird to help. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged Beautiful Names and Attributes, black magic, du`a, father, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, invocation, ladies, money, relatives, sihr, tahlil
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Dream: Of fear and destruction…Reve: Peur et Destruction
I was standing with my father facing a big field. We were carrying luggage on our back, like travelers, and were watching hundreds of families having fun on the field. [fr]J’étais debout avec mon père en face d’un grand champ. On portait des bagages au dos comme des voyageurs et nous regardions des centaines…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged brothers, earth, father, garden, luggage, monsters, moon, Signs of the Last Days, straight path, sun, traveler, window
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Reve: Peur et Destruction
Dream: Operationoperation(dream)
My father is due to have an operation (on 1st February) to fit a stent (angioplasty?) He has two already… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angioplasty, darood, father, heart surgery, Imam Mahdi, life, love of dunya, operation, pious, pious life, stent
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Prayer Request: My Father is illMy Father is ill
Ya Sayadi Please can you do dua for my father? He is the treasurer at our local mosque in the UK, Greater Manchester… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged antibiotics, bladder infection, cancer, count, du`a, father, father-in-law, health, hospital, ill, local mosque, masjid, mosque, pneumonia, shifa, treasurer, UK, white blood cells
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My Father is ill
Prayer Request: For my father’s diabetesPrayer request for my father
I am writing to ask for a duwa I can read for my dad. He has diabeties and it gets out of control ( sometimes goes too low and sometimes too high). Continue reading
Prayer Request: Fear of peopleterror fear
My name is [private], I’m an English convert and I’m Shyakh Nazim’s murid. When I was 4 up until now my life has been in abnormal fear… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged abnormal fear, abuse, bad dreams, child upbringing, complex, devil, dolls, domestic violence, father, fear, fear of people, hit, hurt, mother, nightmares, pictures, Satan, Shaytan, shouting, terror, violent
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terror fear
Dream: Marriage in the Kabah?Rêve: Mariage dans la Kabah?
I saw in my dream the following happening: In the living room my father was standing and my eldest brother was also standing listening to what my father had to say. [fr]Voici ce que j’ai vu arriver dans mon rêve: Dans le salon, mon père et mon frère aîné se tenaient debout tandis que mon père parlait et que mon frère l’écoutait…[/fr] Continue reading
Shaykh Hisham doing some miracle
Shaykh Hisham doing some miracle in front of my family and I said to my uncle “This is the real Shaykh”, and then he left for subuh prayer… Continue reading