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Tag Archives: fitra
Dream: Istikhara for Nikah
I am with the girl in the backyard of a house. I leave her there and come inside and fall asleep. When I wake up I go and look outside in the back-yard for her but I can’t find her. I can see a garden hose and water running from it. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged fitra, Islam, marriage, non-muslim girl, purity, self-destructive
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Raising a Pure Baby on Fitra
Can you tell me and my wife how we can keep our child in that same state of purity she has at birth? Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged akhlaq dhamima, breast-feeding, breast-milk, children, egoism, fitra, ghusl, infant, innocence, nursing, prayer, purity, Salat al-wudu, wudu
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The Most Powerful Wazifa
i want to recite the most powerful wird wazifa even if i die Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged bad characteristics, black clot, black spots, characteristics of the ego, death of ego, disciple, dominion of the heart, fitra, fragrance, freedom, humbleness, humiliation, humility, move in space, murid, oath, Orkallisa Muhammad, pressurized, satanic influence, Sayyidina Jamaluddin al-Ghumuq, seeker, self-abasement, selfishness, six powers of the heart, spiritual guidance, spiritual opening, spiritual path, spiritual power, spiritulal clearance, spreading love, ten levels, The Reality of Attraction (Haqiqatu ’l-jadhbah), The Reality of Downpouring (Haqiqatu ’l-fayd), The Reality of Focusing (Haqiqatu ’t-tawajjuh), The Reality of Guidance (Haqiqatu ’l-irshad), The Reality of Intercession (Haqiqatu ’t-tawassul), The Reality of Scrolling (Haqiqatu ’t-tayy), The Sufi Science of Self-Realization, truth of certainty, ubiquitous, ubiquity, volcano, wazifa
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Dream: Grandfather announcing my marriage
I dreamt few days back, before Fajr, that my Grandfather (expired) announces to my family that my marriage… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blue, deceased, fajr, fitra, grandfather, income, innocence, marriage announcement, milk, nuts, passed away, pious ancestry, provisions, Quran, rizq, sweet, tracks
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Dream: Dog, wasp and cigarette
1. In my living room at home I see a pet dog there with me. A brown dog with large… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angry, attack, black spots, burn, child, cigarette, dog, fitra, hot coal, innocence, Last Days, living room, purity, scared, shake head, spiritual attack, spiritual shield, sting, Surat al-Falaq, Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat an-Nas, teenager, ugly, wasp, womb
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Dream: Childhood friend
I was at my mother’s birthplace, a rural area far from where I reside. My childhood friend,.. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged amanah, amanat, birthplace, box, childhood friend, choose, city, far, fitra, fitrah, good fortune, innocence, jewelry, mother, mureed, Naqshbandis, pieces, residence, rural area, spiritual purity, spiritual trust, treasures, visit
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males shaving pubic hair
its an awkward question but i need your help on this when males are shaving pubic hair… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged belly button, fitra, groin, male, pubic hair, shaving
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Dream: green vegetables
I saw in a dream that i brought a vegetable, which was green, very prominent GREEN… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bright green, fitra, paradise, Sunnah
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