Tag Archives: green
Dream: Green Coffin
I come before the green Taboot (coffin) with Shaykh Nazim QS in it. The coffin stood vertically along with many more other green coffins. I decided at once to approach it and press it against my chest in order to walk with him. Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Nazim gives me a shawl
I had a dream of Molaana Sheikh Nazim. I am in a very big mosque and I… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and Allah in green
sir i had a dream in which I saw Hazrat Shaykh Nazim seeing videos of him teaching (video clips). Continue reading
Dream: Istikharah for taking a tariqat
I got offer for tariqat and am confused to take it or not,… Continue reading
Seeing green and pink colours
When I close my eyes I can see beautiful green and then pink colours these colours are very bright… Continue reading
Dream: Spinach
dreaming lots of fresh green spinach… Continue reading
Dream: About a brother I know
1) Our wedding day in a beautiful garden with pink flowers falling from the sky… Continue reading
Dream: Marriage
I received a marriage proposal which was going very well. However, as time went on we began to drift away… Continue reading
Dream: Pregnant
My Cousin saw a dream about me that I am pregnant, in a green dress looking beautiful and my relatives are looking toward me with happiness. Continue reading