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Tag Archives: greeting
Kissing the hand is not prostration
Regarding kissing the hand of a scholar, but more specifically putting the forehead on the hand of the scholar… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged action of respect, acts of worship, Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, authentic hadith, companions, greeting, haram act, high respect, ihtiram, kissing hand, Kissing the feet of Prophet (s), prostration, Sahaba, sajdah, tabi`in
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Dream: Salam means marriage proposal?
I dreamt of a known man greeting me and I reply his salaam, as everyone says that… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged greeting, marriage proposal, married man
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Dream: At a Restaurant
I dreamt that I was traveling in Europe and planning with a group to go out to eat… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angry, cordial relations, cousin, eat, Europe, ex-husband, ex-wife, good manners, greeting, group, manifest, Moroccan, mother, negative consequences, orange, physical world, reprimand, restaurant, surroundings, table, travel, women
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Dream: Seeing Sayyidina Jabir ibn Abdullah (r)
Had a brief dream while back in which Sayyidina Jabir appeared, placed his right hand over his heart and greeted me,… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, beautiful, cane, concern, eyesight, face, greeting, hadith, half-sleeves, hand over heart, humble, Istanbul, istighfar, left hand, maqam, meditation, muraqabah, rabita, resemble, right hand, rove, salawat, Sayyidina Jabir, shy, sincerity, spiritual insight, stick, Sunnah, turban, worry
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Merry Christmas
Are we allowed to congratulate Nasara on Dec 25 for Jesus birthday (as our Prophet, not son of Allah)? Please advise. [fr]Are we allowed to congratulate nasara on Dec 25 for Jesus birthday (as our Prophet, not son of Allah)? Please advise. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged Christians, Christmas, greeting, human being, Ibn Kathir, Merry Christmas, Sayyidina `Isa, son of God, Surah Maryam
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Greeting Western non-Muslim Women
Q: When greeting women in business meetings, typically we shake hands. Occasionally, there are some women/colleagues who when they greet, they kiss men on their cheeks as it’s their custom, in France they do this for example. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged business, colleague, corporate culture, greeting, kiss, men, offensive behavior, shake hand, women
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