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Tag Archives: hafiz
Someone who is hafiz Quran but does illicit thing
Bismillah. I would like to ask, I know someone who is hafiz Quran, memorized every of the surah and ayah. But this person does illicit thing, such as zina etc. same as someone who does huge amount of zikr, but watch illicit haraam thing. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, dunya, hafiz, hafiz al-Qur'an, hawa, illicit relations, imam, looking at haraam, nafs, repentance, Shaytan, sinner, tawbah
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Please pray for Hajj Kemal Koksal…
Please make dua for my father’s uncle, Hajj Kemal Köksal (age 93), who passed away yesterday (4 Rajab 1435/3 May 2014) in Ankara, Turkey. He was a Hafidh al-Quran and a Naqshbandi Khalidi, a follower of H.E. Shaykh Mahmud Ustaosmanoglu (q), whom he accompanied for 15 years… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged Ankara, du`a, hacı, hafidh, hafiz, hafiz al-Qur'an, Kuran, Mahmud Efendi, Mahmud Ustaosmanoglu, naqshbandi, passed away, rahmetli, uncle, vefat
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Dream: Sohba of Sheikh Nazim
I saw that I am in a celebration hall and Sheikh Nazim is sitting on a stage… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged celebration hall, hafiz, whirling
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Prayer Request: Being a tahfiz and marriage
I’ve been accepted in a tahfiz school please pray for me that Allah swt give me… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged hafiz, Quranic Studies, seeking marriage
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Women less than men?
I have now heard from two different mureeds of Sh. Nazim that “women’s intellect” is less than that of men… Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged adultery, birth, equivalence, female witness, gender, gender equality, hafiz, inferior, intellect, male witness, men, non-hafiz, parental lineage, superior, testimony, women
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