Tag Archives: Hajj al-Akbar
Hajj al-Akbar
Sheikh this year the day of Arafah which is 9th Dhul Hijja falls on a Friday, therefore is stated it is Hajj al-Akbar, is this indeed the case? Continue reading →
Hajj Al-Akbar in 2012?
Hajj this year seems to be falling on November 7th. However, next year in 2012 10 Zul Hajj is falling on October 26th which is a Friday! Could it be that Imam Mahdi (AS) would be appearing next year instead,,, Continue reading →
Sayidina-al-Mahdi (a.s)
Is Shaykh Nazim hoping for Imam Mahdi (a.s) or has Mawlana received Divine information… Continue reading →
Permission to go to Mawlana and Hajj
Al-Hamdulillah, I’ve rizqy from Allah and I’ve two plans but I’m confused to decide which is the best plan for me. My plans:…
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Imam Mehdi -Should we start warning family members.
Should we start informing family members and love ones to be prepared for his coming as we need to seek your permission to share the information with them and be prepared for what is coming ahead shortly. Continue reading →
Prayer Request: Intention for Hajj
We are intending to go to Hajj al Akbar but unfortunately we don’t have the money to be able to go. Continue reading →
about Imam Mehdi
Q: I want to know about the sohbat of ur beloved shaykh Nazim (19 Nov,2010) in which he said that imam mehdi will appear after a year during Hajj. (Hajj al-akbar) in 2011. Continue reading →