Tag Archives: happy
Wear scarf or not
I became Muslim two years ago, happily wore scarf, and proud of this… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Happy Marriage
We ask for your forgiveness and for your prayers so that we may have a blessed and happy marriage, full of your Baraka… Continue reading
Sat at the feet of the ShaykhAssis au pieds du Shaykh
What does it mean if when sat at the feet of the Shaykh he looks at you and says ” you have a very nice face” and smiles?…[fr]Quand je me suis assis aux pieds du Shaykh, il m’a regardé et m’a dit: «tu as un trés beau visage». Que veut dire cela?…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Wedding daymarriage
Sayidi I recently asked for you to pray for me regarding marriage. Thank you for your reply.. Continue reading
Twin babyEnfants jumeaux
I saw a dream of having twin new born boy between me & my husband.[fr]J’ai fait un rêve dans lequel j’avais des jumeaux…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana throws knives to meRêve: Mawlana me lance des couteaux
Mawlana calls me, takes me by the hand and “tells” me to hold near my throat some kind of silvered coin that is heart-shaped. He is going to throw knives. [fr]Mawlana m’appelle, me prend par la main et me dit de tenir près de ma gorge une sorte de pièce d’argent en forme de cœur…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Emergency landing in MadinaRêve: Atterrissage forcé à Médine
I was traveling on a plane with my mother and three siblings from Pakistan to America. [fr]Je voyageais en avion du Pakistan vers l’Amérique avec ma mère et trois de mes frères et sœurs…[/fr] Continue reading
Disturbed by my marriage
I am deeply disturbed about my ”marriage”. I married a man who promised me many things. Continue reading
Illegitimate child
I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [fr]I am a huge sinner. My husband and I had a child through illegitimate ways (zina). [/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Shaykh Nazim and Hajjah Ruqqayah
My mother-in-law dreamed about Sheikh Nazim. She was in their house and there was Mawlana and Hajja Rokya. Continue reading