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Tag Archives: Hindus
Invoking besides Allah others?
It is allowed as per Shaykh Nuh Ha Meem Keller to invoke Prophet s.a.w and awliya q.s for help? As per the correct intention we invoke through the high stations attached to their name before Allah s.w.t and not through their physical bodies. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged al-`Uzza, Ark of the Covenant, Christian world, Christians, Hindus, idol-worship, idolatry, intermediary, invoking Madad, means of approach, na`al sharif, na`layn Pak, nasut, Ottoman Sultans, physical bodies, sacred relics, sainthood, tawassul, Yoga
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Food that’s been offered to the deities
Is it permissible for us to eat vegetarian food prepared by practicing Hindus, that has been offered to the deities after preparation?… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged accept food, alcohol, bread, condiments, diety, eucharist bread, halal food, haram, Hindus, intention, meat, milk, mushriks, People of the Book, permissibility, preparing food, religious rite, vegetarian, water
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