Tag Archives: hit
Dream: Tsunami
I’ve been dreaming of a tsunami for almost 1 to 2 times in a month…. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged breathe, cave, cleansing process, deep sea, destroy, Divine possession, hidden idols, hidden shirk, hit, house, lamp, light, number, sea, spiritual reality, tsunami
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Dream: War and Safety
I had this dream a few years back. In the dream I was at my house looking out of the window. Suddenly I see from far,… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged army, beautiful, chaos, closer, entrance, falling down, feel, hit, house, humble, intercede, intercession, kind, kindness, lady, Last Days, line, looking, marching, missles, moving, name, pious, real, safety, saintly, Sayyida Fatimah, soldiers, sweet, ummah, war, warmth, wife, window, world
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Prayer Request: Fear of peopleterror fear
My name is [private], I’m an English convert and I’m Shyakh Nazim’s murid. When I was 4 up until now my life has been in abnormal fear… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged abnormal fear, abuse, bad dreams, child upbringing, complex, devil, dolls, domestic violence, father, fear, fear of people, hit, hurt, mother, nightmares, pictures, Satan, Shaytan, shouting, terror, violent
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terror fear
Dream: holy nose of Prophet saws
I saw Saidouna Mouhammad salla allahou aleihi wa sallem. He was about 20 years old. Continue reading