Tag Archives: humble
Is it haram/sin to be arrogant and proud?
Salam Walaykum, Is it a must law to be humble? Continue reading
Dream: Seeing the Prophet Muhammad SWS
A few months ago I had a dream. I was in an unknown place and we were reciting… Continue reading
Relation of Murshid Kibla with Mawlana Nazim (qs) and Mawlana Hisham(qs)
Our murshid kibla visited USA’1996 and join few program of Naqshbandi hakkani… Continue reading
Dream: chased by the Dajjal soldiers
I had a dream pursued by Dajjal soldiers, they will kill me, then some people came to help me escape… Continue reading
Dream: About a brother I know
1) Our wedding day in a beautiful garden with pink flowers falling from the sky… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Sayyidina Jabir ibn Abdullah (r)
Had a brief dream while back in which Sayyidina Jabir appeared, placed his right hand over his heart and greeted me,… Continue reading
Dream: War and Safety
I had this dream a few years back. In the dream I was at my house looking out of the window. Suddenly I see from far,… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Shaykh Hisham’s blessings needed for marriage
I am divorced and my family have been approached about an amazing Alhamdulilah proposal from a man whose both parents died when he was young… Continue reading
shining face of a humble sister
Q: A few days ago i attended dhikr at the masjid and saw a sister named sophia soon as we layed eyes on her we was drawn towards her , we felt moulana everywhere she would move .we also witnessed her forehead slightly glowing. Continue reading