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Tag Archives: imam
Taking daughter to the masjid
Assalamun’alaykum sheikh. May blessing of Allah Azza Wa Jal be upon you. I got a question: if you want your daughter to get married like as soon as possible can you take her to the masjid for any marriage proposal like saying… Continue reading
Someone who is hafiz Quran but does illicit thing
Bismillah. I would like to ask, I know someone who is hafiz Quran, memorized every of the surah and ayah. But this person does illicit thing, such as zina etc. same as someone who does huge amount of zikr, but watch illicit haraam thing. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, dunya, hafiz, hafiz al-Qur'an, hawa, illicit relations, imam, looking at haraam, nafs, repentance, Shaytan, sinner, tawbah
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Who can lead the prayer ?
I’m a young unmarried person. Sometimes for jama’ah prayer some brothers ask me to lead it. If we are a group of brothers, who leads the prayer? Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregational prayer, imam, leading prayer, Salat al-Jumu`ah, unmarried, young age
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Shafii Fiqh of Salat
I would like to ask a few brief questions about salaat in the Shafi madhaab. As we have finally chosen the Shafi madhaab to follow… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged ablution, break wudu, breaking ablution, broken wudu, conditions of ablution, fiqh, follower, imam, Imam Shafi`i, lust, opposite sex, prayer leader, reciting Fatiha, Shafi`i School, touching
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Salat Behind Deobandis
Kindly let me know what is Ahle Sunnat wal Jamah’s stance on offering salah behind a Deoband or ahle hadees… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregational prayer, Deobandi Imam, imam, Salafi beliefs, salat, Saudis, Wahabi beliefs
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Prayer in Mecca and Madina
I am from Pakistan. Majority of Scholars of AhleSunnah tell us not to offer prayer behind the Imam in Khane Kaaba or Madina and o Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregational prayer, imam, Salafis, salat, Wahabi beliefs
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Salaat Behind a Wahabi
Can you shed some light on praying behind a Wahabi who disrespects Nabi e karim Swallallahou Alaiyhi wassalam… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregational prayer, imam, Salafis, salat, Wahabi beliefs
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Dream: Stepping forward for imamat for prayer
I had a dream where I am standing in masjid ready to offer pray ba jammat along… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged imam, masjid, prayer
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Dream: Nabi Muhammad as my Imam
I’m sitting on the floor in a room with two friends. I open the door, I see that this…. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged focus, imam, salat
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Imam tells future events
Is it right in Islam for any Imam to say he knows the events of the future? Is there anyone but Allah who knows the person we will be married to or end up with or the type of life we will lead? Continue reading →