Tag Archives: Indonesia
Big problem with my life in Indonesia
O sheikh, I actually live with my Indonesian wife in Indonesia (I’m French) and.. Continue reading
Prayer for weight gain
All my life I have been thin, and no matter what I eat, or did to gain weight in terms of physical activity etc has helped me gain any weight. Continue reading
Where to take my scholarship
I have just finished some studies related with cooperation to development, and I have received a scholarship to spend from 3 to 6 months… Continue reading
Need Donation for My Sister’s Baby
I would like to ask help from Moulana Hisyam to help my sister’s baby. She is eight months old… Continue reading
Interested in a Catholic Man
Please help me Sheik to make decision about the man who is being associated with me… Continue reading
Dream: Absurd dreams with something inside?
Ô Mawlana, I left France for Indonesia for almost a year now, and I am starting to make very absurd dreams since… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Husband’s negative thoughts
Mawlana Shaykh, please make dua for my family to be sakinah, mawadah wa rahmah and full barakah… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Prayer and guidance
I really was very zolim and in desperate need of repair… Continue reading
Seeking Clarification
In 1990s I met an old man who taught me to be a healer. He is a mureed of a master from Mt Merapi, Indonesia… Continue reading