Tag Archives: inspiration
Prayer Request: Permission and Guidance on Marriage Proposal
I am seeking guidance and permission to marry. Alhamdulilah there has been a proposal for marriage some time this week and I would like to ask for guidance on this Matter before accepting or rejecting the proposal. Kindly advice me and I humbly request for your duas. Shukran Continue reading
Additional or Recommended Dzikr in Jalsa Position
I currently say {Rabbi ighfirli wa arhamni}, can I say something that encorages Allah (swt) to give more mercy… Continue reading
Here or my country?which is easiest?
Asalamalaykum wr wb, i’ve had this question in the back of my mind for a very long time now, and since our sheikhs know what is better for us i had an important question to ask so when the time comes i wont be confused.
1) should i marry a girl who is from my country that lives here in america?
2) or should i marry a girl who lives in my country, which would mean its the decision of my parents as to who the girl is going to be? this way i think is harder because we think different because i’m raised in america and she over in my country, and it will take a while if i were to sponsor her.
sheikh gibril interpreted my dream and said i should seek the easiest way of marriage. please help me?what is the way i should do it?
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Prayer Request: my job?
assallamu’alaykum Yes Sayyidi allow me to inquire about my work, which is most suitable for my. wiraswasta, business or treatment, please input of Shaykh Hisham . Continue reading
where is my marriage heading??
I got married 5 months ago. Me and my husband are completely averse to one another.[fr]I got married 5 months ago. Me and my husband are completely averse to one another.[/fr] Continue reading
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu alayhi wasallamProphète Mouhammad sallallaahu aleyhi wasallam
Q: Can shaitan make me think that I’ve seen them when I haven’t seen them and sometimes I’m not sure if I really saw them or was I just thinking about them in a wake/sleep state. [fr]1) Est-ce que shaytan peut me faire croire que je les ai vu…[/fr] Continue reading
Son’s dreams (he is 8)Rêves de mon fils (il a 8 ans)
Q: His first dream was a week and a half ago. He was in a desert with several men who wore turbans. He heard Allah saying, “I am happy with you”. The dream made him feel like “boom, and everything is different”.[fr]Son premier rêve date d’une semaine et demi…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: bright light
I had a dream awhile ago that I had a bright light in my belly. I gave a little bit to all my family and all who I know. Continue reading
Is marriage right?
My sister is divorced with 3 children. She wants to re-marry and has someone in mind but they have only been in contact online. Continue reading
How to do Istikhara (answer through heart)
One of the questions asked here has been answered as “such questions are answered through heart”. [fr]One of the questions asked here has been answered as “such questions are answered through heart”. [/fr] Continue reading