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Tag Archives: lions
Dream: End of the world
I saw the moon as if it was on fire, then comets started falling from the sky. We… Continue reading
Dream: Talking to Lions
Group of people (I do not know them) along with me wandering in a jungle, suddenly we saw group of lions… Continue reading
Dream: Huge Lions
I had a dream a few nights ago that I saw huge lions (size of rhino) going in a queue… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged afraid, awliyaullah, beautiful, forest, huge, in line, lions, Lions for Truth, lover, lovers, mission, purpose, queue, Rijalullah, sharp look, size, strong, tough
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Dream: Creatures
…before I came into tariqa, I saw a dream of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim dressed in White looking really young and presenting me with a huge cake, and he had a White creature in his hand, I had that dream interpretered and they said Mawlana has chosen for me a husband. Continue reading