Tag Archives: mawlid
preventing father from visiting graves of Awliya
Am I entitled to prevent [my father] from going to commemorations of the pious and from visiting shrines? Continue reading
Commemorating Awliya
What is the ruling for commemorating the righteous by celebrating, hanging lights and decorations? Continue reading
As far as I know the Mawlid al Nabi (salah Allah aleyhi wa salam), as we recognize today, was introduced by Emir Nur al Din al Zengi in the late 12th century… Continue reading
Trembling During Mawlid & Zikr
Please kindly explain why theres a tremble / thrill at my back when i heard Maulid Nabi Muhammad & Zikr Khatm Khajagan being recited. It felt like something something shaking… Continue reading
For those that compare Christmas with Mawlid
What should we respond when one compares the Wahabi Mawlid with Christmas for Christians what then should we respond to those who are wrong about it, as modern groups who say the Mawlid is a bida reprehensible Continue reading
Dream: Prophet’s hair
I have seen in dream that some pious persons are making ziyarth of holy hair of Prophet sallalaahualaihiwasallam… Continue reading
Q: I am a sunni muslim who celebrates milaad shareef with passion. I just wanted to ask is there any evidence or any hikmah to celebrating milaad shareef in the quran or sunnah. Continue reading