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Tag Archives: money
Dream: Coins
I dreamt that I had been given some old, dark & rusty coins by… Continue reading
I am a 23 year unmarried female. My heart is longing to go Medina/Makkah very soon InshaAllah… Continue reading
Posted in Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged `umrah, hajj, loans, Madinah, Makkah, Mecca, Medina, mental, missed fasts, missed prayers, missed salat, money, physical, preparation, spiritual, student loans
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Surat Ya Sin and money
I have one question for you Question: When people ask me that one of his family or Friend who have died or recite… Continue reading
Posted in Qur'an & Tafsir
Tagged deceased, dedicate, khatm al-Qur'an, money, offering, reward, sadaqa jarya, Surat Ya Sin
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Prayer Request: Dua for increase rizq to give charity
I love very much to give charity and sadaqa and give it often to family and others… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged deeds, give, increase, material standards, measure, money, rizq, sadaqa, sincerity, truthfulness
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Prayer Request: Requesting dua from Shaikh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham
I have lost hope in my marriage and lost trust in my husband. I have given a lot of sacrifices but now I’m very insecure… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged arguments, children, divorce, hajj, hiding, hope in Allah, husband, insecure, money, Pakistan, postpone decision, satisfaction, speak, time
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Dream: Giving £1 to celeb for charity
I had a dream few months ago about a boy (suengho-korean celeb who’s not Muslim)…. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged afflictions, black, car, celebrity, Charity, effort, Korean, leather jacket, money, running, sadaqa, window
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Dream: Ring and money from RasulAllah (sawaws)
I once had dreamed that I was with some people and talking on religious issue. Suddenly someone came and give me money…. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged American, Asian, business, cloth, conversation, golden ring, jewelry, money, Prophet Muhammad (s), religious issues, ring, ruby, Saudis, successful, talk, white
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Dream: Book-case/ bookshelves full korans
I would like to understand a certain dream I had. I know it has to do with my life story but it’s a very long story… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged afford, bookcase, books, bookshelf, bookshelves, counting, disappear, finances, information, Islamic books, kiss, learning, money, Quran, worry
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Intention for Past Due Zakat
If a person has not paid zakaat for some specific year and now he wants to pay that zakaat but he does not remember what exact… Continue reading
Posted in Zakat & Sadaqah
Tagged commodities, destitute, due, equal, equivalent, estimate, estimation, exact amount, expenses, family, income, minimum, money, obligation, obligatory, organization, paid, past, pay, person, poor, possession, profit, reward, sadaqa, savings, shortfall, year, zakat
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Dream: Surface of tooth fell out
I dreamt that from the upper left molar, the surface of one tooth was chipped and fell out… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged area, broken, brush, chip, chipped, condition, dentist, desire, family, family member, father's side, female, grind, hand, inner surface, left, loving, milk, molar, money, outer surface, pain, preserve, protect, relative, repay, shrink, shrunk, sincere, special toothpaste, suffer, surface, teeth, tooth, upper, woman
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