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Tag Archives: name
Is Daniyal a permissable Muslim name?
I am a Christian European woman married to a Muslim Egyptian man. We are expecting a baby boy. Our son is going to live in our both countries. That is why, we want to chose for him a Muslim name with good meaning but also reflecting our both cultures. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues, History
Tagged Danyal, Muslim name, name, name of Prophets, new born
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Dream: syeds?
im a sayyid mash Allah so i wanted to know please pray for imam mahdi atfs return and for me and my family to aid him as one of his 313 also for our success in duniya and akhirat Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, name, sayyid, title
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Understanding Allah (SWT)
I was wondering if the word Allah is Arabic for God or if it is actually His name? I keep getting mixed answers. The jews call Him Elohim, so I assume the word Allah is Arabic for God? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Abdullah, Allah, Arab man, Arabic, Arabs, chosen, Christians, Elohim, final Messenger, God, Jews, name
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Son’s name
My little boy who’s full name is – [private]. Is regularly ill. Someone said to me that it could be because of the meaning of his name… Continue reading
Sufi and Shia beliefs
I see no real difference in Sufi concept to the Shia one vis a vis referring to Ahlul Bayt. I also understand that all Sufi orders go back to Imam Ali… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, companions, love of Ahl al-Bayt, name, Naqshband Golden Chain, Shia beliefs
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Dream: Newborn baby reciting la ilaha ilallah
I saw a dream today that I’m in my grandparents house, and I’m holding a beautiful newborn baby in my arms… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dhikr, grandparents, house, la ilaha il-Allah, love interest, name, newborn baby, peace of heart, propose, running, seeking marriage, son
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Dream: In a gathering with other women and both my parents
One woman there asked me why can’t Kate’s (the wife of Prince William) mother keep her original father’s name… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged black, book, conscience, covered, daughter, Day of Promises, Divine Presence, dunya, face, father's name, identity, Islamic clothes, jewelry, Kate, life, liking, marry, mother, murshid, name, Naqshbandi Haqqani Mevlevi Shaykh, necklaces, obscured, original name, picture, Prince William, real baya`, real being, reconnect, royalty, spiritual lineage, spirituality, symbols, taste, treasure chest
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Changing name
my daughters name is laareb arooj gilani. i want to change her name… Continue reading
Dream: War and Safety
I had this dream a few years back. In the dream I was at my house looking out of the window. Suddenly I see from far,… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged army, beautiful, chaos, closer, entrance, falling down, feel, hit, house, humble, intercede, intercession, kind, kindness, lady, Last Days, line, looking, marching, missles, moving, name, pious, real, safety, saintly, Sayyida Fatimah, soldiers, sweet, ummah, war, warmth, wife, window, world
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Dream: Reading from Quran
I have asked the interpretation of this dream 2,3 times already but haven’t been able to know the interpretation yet… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blessing, first name, heart, Holy Qur'an, knowledge, last, middle name, name, page, reading, red, Sayyidina Ali, Sayyidina Husayn, Sayyidina Shah Naqshband, written
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