Tag Archives: Prayers
Feeling heavy
I’m feeling very heavy. Could you please see if I am affected by any negative influences? Continue reading
Prayers in winter
1) In the UK, zohr is around 1 pm, assr around 2.45 pm and maghrib at 4pm. At work or if I happened to be out, it becomes sometimes difficult to do the 3 prayers on time, as they are in a 3 hour gap.
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Dream: Offering Nafil Prayers
I saw that I was reciting Surat-ul-Fatiha with English Translation and then I saw that I am in a mosque doing Wud’u. Continue reading
Q: Please can you give me a dua to help me to control my nafs and anger. I feel angry alot lately and over very minute things which is causing a strain on my relationship with my husband. I was never like this before. Continue reading
Q: 1) Is it right for a husband and wife to sleep separately in different rooms
2) are you only allowed to deny your wife these things in punishment… Continue reading
Need a guide !
I am in a deep trouble. I do not consider myself as a good muslim. I am not a regular namazi, as for that matter a practising muslim ! Only thing that I believe I have are the Salawat that I recite on our Master, Sayyidna Muhammed s.a.w. love for Ahle Bayt and love for Awliyaullah ! Continue reading
Remedy needed for weak eyes Insha’Allah
Q: …you may remember us saying about my eyes being weak. I use my right eye mainly now as i was unable to correct my vision in my left eye when i was a child… Continue reading
Affected By Magic
Question: salam Hajjah, My friend’s family, husband, wife and three childen got into black magic. Pity them. Please advise what to do. Husband did Hajj recently only one week he was ok, the rest fell sick. Alhamdulillah he managed do … Continue reading