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Tag Archives: praying
Dream: Praying in a car
I saw myself praying in my car which stands in front of my house, precisely seeing doing suguud and tashahoud… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged beautiful, burdens, car, connection, dying, expensive, experience, feeling, green, head, hiding, house, neighbor, praying, rabitah, raise, remove, right finger, sajda, sajdah, Shahada, shaykh, sujood, tashahud, terrible, vehicle
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Dream: Istekhara for marriage
1) I was making bread with oil. My teacher is talking marifa’h (not religious teacher), giving exam of Islamic education with a friend (she is married)… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bread, caste, cleaning, clothes, comfort, cousin, fall, flowers, friend, grass, green, happiness, Islamic education, jungle, ma`rifah, marriage process, marriage proposal, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mud, night, oil, orange, people of Paradise, picture, praying, purple, qibla, spiritual path, student, success, teacher
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Dream: Praying
I had a dream that I was in the bathroom and there were prayer rugs all in front (I was not sitting on one)… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bathroom, cousin, father-in-law, material relief, mother-in-law, prayer rug, praying, promises, rizq, ruku`, sajadah, sitting, spiritual purity, sujood, takbir, trusts
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Dream: Praying in a dangerous place
Today I see in my dream praying (I don’t remember which salat) in a building in an open window… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah's Mercy, building, fall, high station, ihsan, iman, Islam, open window, praying, salat, spiritual elevation, third floor, window
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Dream interpretation I am confused
I wrote previously, asking about a dream interpretation, & Hajj Gibril Haddad replied. In the dream I said I was surrounded by darkness, and mum wouldn’t allow light into the house because we are having family issues… Continue reading →
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged argue, convert, cousin, darkness, dream interpretation, family issues, father, fight, husband, ihsan, light, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mother, parents, praying, responsibility, revert, submit, support
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Prayer Request: Hair loss
my sister is having a growing problem with losing hair. She has been doing some treatments but all in vain. By looking at her hair, it looks like artificial, the natural look has also gone. Continue reading →
Posted in Health, Prayer Request
Tagged artificial, black magic, dhikr, dhikrullah, du`a, evil eye, hair, hair loss, nazar, praying, pull, sister, sleeping, Ya Hakim
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