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Tag Archives: Prophet Muhammad (s)
Dream: Zikr by Allah(swt)
I saw this dream a few years back. I saw myself standing alone and watching the night sky… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah swt, angel, astaghfirullah, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, crack, dark room, dhikr, end times, fall, falling, fell, fitna, la ilaha il-Allah, night, prediction, prophecy, Prophet Muhammad (s), protection, room, salawat, sky, sky-gazing, watching
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Dream: From my chest
Long before I ever heard about spirituality, I went for Hajj. In Medina, I used to greet the Prohet(SAW) every morning and evening… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged appearance, attraction, hajj, hand, jazba, light, love, Medina, Prophet Muhammad (s), salat al-Fajr, soul, spirituality
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Dream: Moulana Sheikh Nazim Al Haqqani
offered two rakat salat Istikhara for seven days with an intention to be guided by ALLAH Ta’ala regarding bayt with Moulana Sheikh Nazim. I had couple of dreams. First i saw myself sitting with Moulana Sheikh Nazim in car, he was driving car. we passed by tomb of Sheikh Sayyid Ali Hajveri RA and Moulana Sheikh Nazim said “assalamo alaikum ya Wali Allah”. In the second dream i saw the PROPHET Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam. He was laid down with green turban on. It came in my mind as if it was PROPHET’s Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam funeral. I picked up the PROPHET’s Sallallaho Alaihi wasallam blessed body to take it to Grave yard. I would have had made the bai’at but got a bit confused after the second dream. Please help me with this. GOD bless you! (Aameen). (It is a request to kindly remember me in your prayers). salaam! Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged answer, baya`, die before death, fana fi 'r-rasul, Hazrat Data Ghanj Baksh, initiation, istikhara, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sayyidina `Ali al-Hujwiri, Sunnah
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Dream: Job Given by prophet Muhammed PBUH
I saw prophet Muhammed PBUH in my dream, he takes me to a stage where Isa (AS) is speaking to the people and they are not listening , so Isa (AS) goes away from there in anger, … Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged harm, love of Prophet (s), Prophet Muhammad (s), Sayyidina `Isa (as), Shaytan
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Dream about Isa (as)
Salaam this is a question regarding a dream my mother had. she dreamt that she was looking out a window & saw isa walking on water towards her, she just had a feeling it was him. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged afterlife, aman, bushra, good tidings, Jesus Christ (as), Judgment Day, miraculous power, paradise, Prophet Muhammad (s), safety, Sayyidina `Isa (as), security
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Dream: Rasulullah (s) and Sayyidina Jibril
Last month, I was attacked by Iblis and the attack was blocked by Jibril a.s. I have a doubt about it and then the next day, I had a dream where in the dream I was surrounded by shaitanic sihr and Rasulullah help and support me spiritually… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angel, archangel, black magic, convert, Gabriel, ghayb, hearing voices, help, iblis, madad, Prophet Muhammad (s), protection, Sayyidina Jibril, Shaytan, sihr, support
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Dream: Seeing Prophet (s) when I was a newborn
I have couple of questions, PLEASE do answer them, it would bring relief to me… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged baby, brother, Hafsa, intercession, love of Prophet (s), mother, name, newborn, no account, paradise, parents, Prayers, Prophet Muhammad (s), salat, shafa`ah, sick, speaking, wudu
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Dream: Prophet pbuh hug
I have had a dream in which the propet Muhammed (saw) is hugging me. I can not see the blessed face of the prophet Muhammed (saw) as it is covered while they are hugging me. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged face, hug, Prophet Muhammad (s)
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Dream: seeing a man
In a dream that I had, I saw a man – he wasn’t looking at me directly, but it seemed like a tent-like place. He was wearing long outfit, visible turban – someone religious… Continue reading
Dream: Turban
Rasulillah (saw) had asked for a specific person to come to him. I did not see Rasulillah (saw) in the dream but felt him. I immediately made my way to the person. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged cloth, Prophet Muhammad (s), turban
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