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Tag Archives: Quran
Dream: Going to mosque
I saw a dream about uncle (my husband). He was about to go mosque for salaah but in the way he felt down and had to go hospital. Then he made a phone call to me but i could not talk with him. Continue reading
Q: I am a sunni muslim who celebrates milaad shareef with passion. I just wanted to ask is there any evidence or any hikmah to celebrating milaad shareef in the quran or sunnah. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Sunnah
Tagged birthday of Prophet (s), daleel, dalil, evidences, mawlid, Meelad, Milad, proofs, Prophet Muhammad (s), Quran, Sunnah
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Husband loves dunya
Our biggest problem is that he loves Dunya, listens music, talks only about money and he is very materialistic. [fr]Our biggest problem is that he loves Dunya, listens music, talks only about money and he is very materialistic. [/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Istikara dreamRêve: Rêve de Istikara
A while back I did estikara prayer to see if moving to another country was a good idea.I dreamt I was taking off on a aeroplane to my destination where I wanted to live,all of a sudden the plane went down slowly,I thought it was going to crash but it was,it softly and slowly lowered itself…[fr]Il y a quelque temps, j’ai fait la prière de estikara pour savoir si déménager dans un autre pays était une bonne idée…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ayat, country, emigrate, good offspring, istikhara, plane, Quran, security, Surat al-Ikhlas, verses
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Rêve: Rêve de Istikara
Dream: stars
asselamu aleykum dear mevlana make dua for us. dear mevlana, i so lots of stars on the sky,all diffrent types and the were mouving like clouds. Continue reading