Tag Archives: reality
Ruby gemstone
qI was wondering what is the spiritual significance of the ruby gemstone? Once, I saw S. Ibrahim (as.) in a dream and he gave me 2 similar perfectly cutted rubies… Continue reading
Dream: Marriage
I performed istikhara 3 times on the proposal and saw various dreams. The first dream was of my aunt and cousin telling me that they approve… Continue reading
Dream: Wife dream with Shaykh Nazim
my wife who is not a murid had dream with Shaykh Nazim in which they are in something like a paradise and there is a tv there… Continue reading
Dream: “We want him”
In my dream I saw the face of Molana Hisham Kabbani (Allah protect him) and Sayyidi Shaykh Molana Nazim (Allah give him long life). Continue reading
Dream: Adultery
I am very ashamed to have this dream but I keep having the same type of dream for many nights now. Continue reading
Dream: Prophet Issa with light
I saw in my dream Prophet Issa alyhi salam. It was a very dark night and he came somewhere in my right side. Continue reading
Dream: Meeting a saint
I had a dream that I was walking down a path which was made out of clay. All of a sudden, I see a saint who is from the Naqshbandi Mujaddadi Tariqa. Continue reading
Reality of Seeing Maulana Sheikh Nazim (Q)
How can one try to reach to the state of being able to see Maulana in the state of awakening? Continue reading