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Tag Archives: recitation
Is “om” chanting Islamic practice? Is it allow to do as Muslim Sufi? Continue reading
Intention to Sadaqah recitation of Surah to Others
Question: I would like to check if it is permissible to have an intention to sadaqah al-Fatihah or other Surahs for a living person or someone who have passed on. The intention is to merely share the rewards of recitation … Continue reading
Posted in Hadith, Halal & Haram, Qur'an & Tafsir, Sunnah, Zakat & Sadaqah
Tagged gift reward, Ihda, qiraat, Qur'anic recitation, recitation, reward of recitation, thawab
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My brother [private] learnt Jadoo from a [private]. For years he has made many lives hell. Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged black magic, evil jinn, exorcism, hifzh, jadoo, magic, possession, protection, recitation, ruqya, sihr, taweez, witchcraft
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I was wondering if u can outline the proper order of reciting the Dalaiul Khayrat based on the edition published by ISCA Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship
Tagged adab, correct manners, Dala'il al-Khayrat, order, recitation, tarteeb
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Durood Permissibility
For a woman who is a mureed in general, is it permissible to recite Dalailul Khayrat or Quran (during the days when she is not allowed to offer salah)… Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged awrad, darood, dhikr, menses, monthly period, Quran, recitation, salat
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Katham Kwajagan
When we recite the first part of the Katham Kwajagan, is it a must, to recite the exact numbers of Surat Fatiha(7), Salawat(10), Alam Nashra(7), Al Iklas(11), Fatiha(7), Salawat(10) Continue reading
Tasawwur & tayy al-lisan
I wanted to ask how to make my tasawar e sheikh stronger that when I close eyes I see them…I read about 20, 000 salawat e khizri, and wanted to ask is it ok to read fast or not? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged concentration, focus, recitation, salawat, tasawwur, tayy al-lisan
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