Tag Archives: remove
Dream: Mawlana operates on me
I made Istikhara for marriage with a brother whom I didn’t speak yet about my intention… Continue reading
Taweez (continued)
My apologies for continuing the question but please advise the permissibility of… Continue reading
Dream: Bugs, Dates and a baby
I had a dream in which I was struggling to remove bugs (there were quite a bit) with a vacuum cleaner… Continue reading
Dream: spider legs, chicken intestine, green saliva
We’re a couple who are going to tie the rope in marital next month, Rajab. My future wife had a bizarre dream, repeated 2 times during her periods… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Wife’s vertigo
I got married recently 6 months back, My wife gets dizziness (has vertigo) and under medication… Continue reading
Respect for Everyone
Is it advisable to remove the word kafir by not calling non-muslims or anyone kafir?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Curse
I took bayah with Grandsheikh on the website, and I wear his taweez. But almost two years ago I had a dream in which I was saying… Continue reading
Dream: Red spots on my face and doctor
Just a few days ago, I saw in a dream that I had many red spots on my cheeks. Then after that I saw a doctor… Continue reading
Dream: Serving Mawlana
I was dreaming that I saw the white armpits of our beloved Sheikh and I was serving them by helping them remove the little hair underneath… Continue reading