Tag Archives: salat
Durood Permissibility
For a woman who is a mureed in general, is it permissible to recite Dalailul Khayrat or Quran (during the days when she is not allowed to offer salah)… Continue reading
Missed prayers from age of 9
One of my co-employees requested me to ask about prayers missed since age ten. Continue reading
Hi, I would like to know if are we Ahle Sunna allowed to read salah behind a wahabi/deobandi/salafi/ imam? Continue reading
I have been doing zikr of darood within the heart for a while last week my friend explained a form of zikr called qalbi zikr a Naqshbandi mureed explained it to him and he explained it to me… Continue reading
Women following the Imam
Some Sunni people here in UK said that women need to follow the imam while praying salaat. But is it allow for women to follow the imam… Continue reading
Bleeding during pregnancy
Can we pray when pregnant (2nd month) but bleeding? Continue reading
What can we think of during Salaat?
Is it true that the prophet advised us to think of death in order to be more humble during salaat? Continue reading
Praying in the Mosque
Is it Farz (compulsary) to pray in the mosque? Continue reading
Offering prayer in t-shirt
If a person is offering a prayer in t-shirt and during each prostration due to stretching his back is uncovered slightly… Continue reading
Dream: Salat Repeatedly
I have seen quite a few dreams where I am praying my obligatory prayers. I make some mistakes and then start over and over and over… Continue reading