Tag Archives: Sayyidina Muhammad (s)
Dream: On a beach by the sea
Me, my father, my mother and sister are in cyprus on the beach.I say to my mother ‘i told you cyprus is beautiful and worth going’. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Rasulalah When I Was Ill
The day I had A Migrane during the Night, Rasulalah came in a dream to me and I collapsed in their arms and they picked me up and took me to a house.[fr]The day I had A Migrane during the Night, Rasulalah came in a dream to me and I collapsed in their arms and they picked me up and took me to a house.[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Snake ziyaarat of Makkah and Madina
A Snake went missing and people became worried for their welfare. Continue reading
Dream: AbuBakar Sadiq and Omar and Sheikh Nazim
It was Thursday night, I saw in my dream that I was lying on top of a car lying down and I was hearing a voice. Continue reading
Dream:Awliyah or Jinnat?
Q: I have a wahabi who asked me how I know Wali Sufi appear to me as if I know he is really or whether it is a Jinn going for him? Continue reading
Dream: of prophet saw
I was in a field near magrib time and infront of me a huge gate with a big metal lock on it, all of a sudden the lock was opened and the gates opened. Continue reading
If not for you, Ya Muhammad (s) I would not have created creation
Question: ‘were it not for you oh Muhammad I would not have created the world’ Where is the above hadith? (apologies for asking but we are being asked by others). Answer: Indeed the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) is … Continue reading
St Bede the Venerable
Q: Based on his writings, St Bede the Venerable appears to be a Muslim, or had known everything about the religion of Islam. His definition or description of God is no different than what we read in the meanings/translations of Esmaul Husna. Continue reading
Nur Muhammadi
Q: It is said that prophet Muhammad PBUH is ‘ Abu Arwah’ (Father of all Souls), so does it mean spiritually He (PBUH) is the father of Adam (RA), but physically his (RA) son (PBUH). Continue reading