Tag Archives: schools of thought

Halal food in China

I live in Shanghai, China. It has become harder to buy halal meat. Can I buy regular meat, if halal meat is unavailable?
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Is being a Sunni and choosing a Madhab a Naqshbandi-Haqqani requirement?

Is being a Sunni and choosing a Madhab a Naqshbandi-Haqqani requirement? Can someone not follow a specific Madhab or not be a Sunni… Continue reading

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Salat Differences

Looking at the differences in salat is interesting yet confusing. Some say the movements for men and women are slightly different, others say they are exactly the same…. Continue reading

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Jafari Fiqh

I am curious about the Naqshbandi position on Jafari fiqh and those who practice it?
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Scope of change of ruling with change of time

I’m wanting to learn, in the light of the principles of four Sunni schools, to what extent can rulings change? Continue reading

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Knowledge on Naqshbandi Haqqani

I want to know how do the four fiqhs connect with Sufism?… Continue reading

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Sunni vs. Shia

We Muslims, are splitting up. Is it true that we hate Shias, or can say that we don’t like them? What is our perspective towards them… Continue reading

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Madhab Issue

I am brought up in a Shafi Madhab environment. I do my level best to keep my wudu at all times. However this becomes difficult for me… Continue reading

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Qunut Dua Behind Hanafi Imam

İ have a question reqarding the qunut prayer in fajr for a shafi follower when he is praying behind an hanafi imam… Continue reading

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Madhab Imams

Its about Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him). Did they respect each other? did they love each other? Because i found some sources they are talking bad about Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him)… Continue reading

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