Tag Archives: shaking
Mystical sufi gatherings
I came across these videos on the internet claiming that they are a sufi gathering. I am really confused by this. Is it justified in sharia? Continue reading
Dream: Quran
Asalam, my name is [private], and recently I had a dream of a black spider not doing any harm to me or anyone,.. Continue reading
Dream: Coming out of body
I saw a dream the other day where I was laid down on the floor when the earth started to crack open… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Recent epilepsy
Ya syedi im woried abt my niece who is 21 yrs and has recently shown signs of epilepsy.she has had a few episodes & each time she sees something, fears, starts shaking and then becomes semi unconscious. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Need your help
May i get Zikr is there specifically to pay off debt quickly and get a better job and enchance spiritual abilities for me, why everytime i said and i thinking of mawlana syaikh nazim my heart always shimmy Continue reading