Tag Archives: shaykh
Dream: Mawlana Sheikh Hisham (QS)
1) At my uncle’s house, MSH sitting on sofa and I at there feet. They grab my nose and push hard until I fell back (it felt like my nose was breaking)… Continue reading
Dream: Man with a birthmark on his left cheek
I recently remembered a dream I had years ago. I dreamt my uncle was sitting next to a sheikh wearing a turban… Continue reading
Dream: Zikr and lettuceZikr and lettuce
Shaykh Hassan from Germany was entering the mosque in Holland (in reality this mosque is a Tariqat mosque from a different Naqshbandi shaykh) and there he was leading the zikr… Continue reading
Dream: My grandfather and a Shaykh Rêve: mon grand-père et un Cheikh
I saw a dream that my maternal grandfather’s elder brother (who is a Sheikh of Chishtiya-Rehmanya Order at present) is sleeping on the bed while my maternal grandfather said something to him.[fr]J’ai vu en rêve que mon le frère aîné de mon grand-père maternel (qui est actuellement un Cheikh de l’ordre Chishtiya-Rehmanya)…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: RasoolAllah (s) in my Umrah
I went to do Umrah. I saw glass doors which were not opening. Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Hisham giving sohbet
I and a sister were lost and Sultans grandchildren directed us to an auditorium. Continue reading
Dream: Passing urine/flying
Bursting to pass urine..i find this squat style toilet, the lock doesn’t work. Continue reading
Goodness comes from whom?
My question is about my heart and mind. I have been alhamdoulilah 5 years in Tariqah and I was born within an Ahlu Tassawuf family from Senegal. Continue reading
Dream: Visiting Prophet Ya’qub’s grave
In the dream I was outside a mosque & somehow I knew I had to go inside – like paying a visit. Continue reading