Tag Archives: shirk
Shirk of the Mushriks
Q25:3 says the disbelievers as those who takes idols or that which is created and harmless as “gods”. But what makes an object a “god/ilah” ?… Continue reading
Please let us know what is Wahdat-al-Wajud and Wahdat-al-Shahood. Continue reading
Hadith of Mushrik a Ahad hadith
Can we accept Ahad hadith of following kind? If yes, can you explain it how?… Continue reading
Nafs issues
I have been in and out of following the way , but cannot stand being out again. I need help please… Continue reading
Fear of shirk during dhikrLa peur du Shirk (de l’idôlaterie) pendant le dhikr
I have a fire in my heart burning my soul that is asking me, “How can I make Dhikrullah without thinking about Him (and so mentally describing Him) and so making hidden Shirk during Salat and Awrad?” [fr]J’ai une braise dans mon cœur qui brûle mon âme et qui me demande : [/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Salawat Nariyyah
I dream of defending shalawat nariyah. In my dream someone said that that shalawat is bid’ah then I defend it. But in realty I never know about shalawat nariyah. Continue reading
Asking for Madad?
Q: Is it permitted to ask “Ya Shaykh `Abdal-Qadir madad!”?[fr]Q: Is it permitted to ask “Ya Shaykh `Abdal-Qadir madad!”?[/fr] Continue reading