Tag Archives: Sunnah
Shaving Head of Baby One Year Late
Q: We did everything except shaving our daughters hairs until now (she is almost 1) since it was a very cold winter and children cool down through their heads. What do you recommend? Continue reading
Shaving Newborn’s HairQuestion: Couper les cheveux du nouveau-né
Q: Hope you are well and in the best of health, on the back of the question with regards to shaving of the hair after birth – is there any Islamic relevance to this?[fr]J’ espère que vous allez bien et avez une excellente santé. A propos de la question concernant le rasage des cheveux des bébés à la naissance -…[/fr] Continue reading
Washing the Dead
Q: Can you advise us of the steps one should perform when washing a dead body? Continue reading
Avoiding Gha’ib Janaza for Hanafi Murids?
Question: Asalaamu Alaykum, In the Hanafi Madhab Ghaibana Salatul Janaza is not permissible, so for Hanafi murids should they still do it or avoid it? JazakAllah Khayr. Answer: `Alaykum as-Salam, Among murids we pray salat al-janaza `ala al-gha’ibin regardless of … Continue reading
Disposal of Hairs and Nails
Q: Are we allowed to burn our hairs and nails or we only have the solution to bury them? Continue reading
The Origin of Circumcision
Question: What is the origin of circumcision? Answer: What I heard from my shaykhs is that circumcision was begun by our father Adam. It was a tax he imposed upon his body after he committed his mistake, and Allah knows … Continue reading
Good Luck Stones
Q:What is your opinion about wearing gemstones (with the intention that Allah may make my luck better through the effect of these stones)?
A: Allah Most High is the Provider for everything great and small, not blind fortune or
luck. Continue reading
Is Kohl Makeup?
Question: Is kohl considered makeup? Answer: As-salam `alaikum, kohl is sunnah and it is makeup. Hajjah Naziha
Forced Marriage
Question: salaam, What would your advice be on someone who is emotionally being abused into a marriage, and she doesn’t really want to marry the guy? Could she leave her family? Answer: wa`alaikum as-salam, The Islamic legal ruling is as … Continue reading
Weight Control
Q: I have been wondering that is there any advice for weight control in Islam?
1) Drink water before you eat.
2) Eat twice daily
… Continue reading