Tag Archives: Surat al-Kahf

Dream: restaurant & du`a
Rêve: Restaurant et Du’a

I saw a dream today morning that I am in a restaurant with many people around and all of a sudden i cry and go to a corner, raise my hand and pray to Allah for something specific I desperate need.[fr]j’ai fait un rêve ce matin que j’étais dans un restaurant avec beaucoup de gens. Soudainement je me suis mis à pleurer et je suis allé dans un coin,…[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve: Restaurant et Du’a

How to be at peace

Lately I noticed that whenever I focus on dunya matters, like doing well at work or going for higher degrees, I get into dunya mode and the heart presence disappears. Continue reading

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Anti-Christ signs

I came across this youtube video and believe it to be a test for the believers. Continue reading

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Al Dajjal

Q: Can you tell us more about the dajjal what is he going to do? Someone told me that about Dajjal yuhyee wa yumit is it true ? Continue reading

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about the arrival of Mahdi (as)

Q: salam aleikum, would you explain me more about the arrive of Mahdi(sws), what things are going to happen? Continue reading

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