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Tag Archives: tawakkul
Dream: Seeing myself and mother die
I was driving back towards home around Maghrib time. It was not yet winter but frosty weather. My mother and I are the only ones in my car. Suddenly the road becomes much narrower and the road becomes slanted… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Istikhara request
May I please request Istikhara to be carried out for me InshaAllah for the purpose of… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged istikhara request, seeking marriage, tawakkul
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Is it true?
I’v been Cyprus its been a few months now and outside sheikh nazim house it said the one who takes lives in Arabic and if that is true please tell sheikh nazim to take my life away asap because iv just had a enough of dunya and am fed up of my life if it is true that sheikh nazim can take lives? Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged asking for death, depression, despair, Divine Name, giving up, good life, leave dunya, self-doubt, shukrulillah, tawakkul, weak faith, Ya Malik al-Mulk
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how could I found out in which sector I could/should work
I didn’t find work in UAE. People in Damascus/Dubai help me searching work. I’m afraid I wouldn’t get along with work!… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged apartment, Austrian, company, Damascus, Dubai, entry level, experience, factory, German, job search, Ministry of religion, position, positive sides, salary, special training, strengths, stud far, supervisor, talent, tawakkul, train horses, trust in Allah
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Request for specific Quranic recitation
1. My immigration file is under process pls give some zikr to have positive outcome… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awrad, dhikr, file, hasbiyallah, immigrations, job, job search, namaz, positive outcome, Prayers, process, sadaqa, salat, seeking employment, tawakkul, trust in Allah, unfinished affairs, wazifa
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Feeling Drops of Urine
I am 29 years old living in US and unmarried. Can’t afford to see a doctor as just finished studies and got a job… Continue reading
Posted in Health, Salat - Prayer
Tagged audhu billah mina 'sh-shaytani 'r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, call of nature, cleaning, concentration, confidence, doctor, dripping, helpless, irritated, prayer, Prayers, rely on Allah, restroom, salat, tawakkul, trouble, uncontrollable, urinate, urine, washing, water, wudu
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Better to do one dhikr or many different ones?
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham once told me to do 1000 times hasbunAllah wa na`mal wakeel for past problems in my life… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged amount, awrad, consistency, consistent, dhikr, fix, guidance, hasbunallah, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, increase, lack in character, past problems, prescribe, prescription, regular, sign, tawakkul, trust
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Dream: Arabic writing on arm
Dream: My right arm had words inscribed on it in arabic, “Hu Allah, Tatalanuku (or Tanulqu or Taqulna) ala Nur Allah”… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Arabic, back ache, careful, dhikr, Divine Light, golden advice, good experience, inscribed, mother, nights, path, renewed, right arm, Shaytan, tahajjud, tawakkul, tricks, vigilant, wird
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Prayer Request: Job and life
Please pray for me that inshallah I get a job. I apply for hundreds of jobs but I mainly get no reply. I went for an interview for a very good job… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged interview, job, religious, sadaqa, seeking employment, steadfast, tawakkul, trust in Allah, ya Fattah
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Prayer Request: I am stuck
Since many years now I am stuck in the USA, no job and no diploma. The teachers who are correcting my thesis are taking forever for no reason… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged adab, believer, corrections, debts, despair, diploma, fatigue, hasbunallah Rabbunallah, jail, job, stuck, tawakkul, thesis, trust in Allah, usa
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