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Tag Archives: throw
Dream: Lady Minister
Some days back we had a strange dream!!! I was in a meeting with a lady minister in my country with other people too… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged alive, buried, button, country, dead, death, diamond, disappear, dunya, face, fight, heart, hitting, hole, Islamic knowledge, knife, lady, meeting, middle, minister, move, real support, revive, sand, strange, strength, throw, warning, water, wife
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Dream: Mawlana Syeikh Nazim gives authorizationMawlana Syeikh Nazim Give autorization in dream
O My Shaykh, in the earlier time when I took bayyat to Shaykh Nazim on the internet, after that through Shaykh Hisyam, once I have a dream between sleep and awake. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged carry, declined, Imam Mahdi, internet baya`, mashaykh, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, opening, Prophet Muhammad (s), responsibility, secret power, smiled, throw, trust, ummah
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Mawlana Syeikh Nazim Give autorization in dream
Dream: Mawlana throws knives to meRêve: Mawlana me lance des couteaux
Mawlana calls me, takes me by the hand and “tells” me to hold near my throat some kind of silvered coin that is heart-shaped. He is going to throw knives. [fr]Mawlana m’appelle, me prend par la main et me dit de tenir près de ma gorge une sorte de pièce d’argent en forme de cœur…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged afraid, body, coin, dhikr, ear, faith, good tidings, happy, heart-shaped, knife, knives, love, Mawlana, silver coin, strong, throat, throw, trust, wall
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Rêve: Mawlana me lance des couteaux