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Tag Archives: tyranny
Why Mawlana Doesnt Lecture Oppressive Men
I cook, clean, look after child, pain in body, everyday husband argues about cleaning, dont go out, don’t socialise, educated, stay home and take child to play at mums, he restricts me too. Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged abuse, dhulm, housewife, housework, neglected wife, oppressed, oppressive husband, patience, sohbets, tyranny
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Prayer Request: Protection From A Tyrant School Principal
My name is [private], a school teacher and request prayer so that the Muslim… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged principal, racial profiling, tyranny
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Why people suffer?
why do we lie? why do people go through pain, sufferings and miseries? do we deserve it? so much injustice, so much destruction, we all so messed up.. humans born on innocence, then what is the fear in us that turns us inhumane? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged contentment, Divine Degree, love of dunya, suffer, surrender to Allah, tyranny
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Confusion about living under the rule of a tyrantConfusion about Living under the Rule of A Tyrant
I am writing from Cairo, Egypt. I feel really confused these days regarding what is going on… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged action, confused, country, dangerous, demonstrate, demonstrations, duty, Egypt, fitna, hypocrite, movements, oppression, participate, prayer, selfish, stay home, tyranny, tyrant
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Confusion about Living under the Rule of A Tyrant
upcoming Azab Pakistan!!!!!
my family members are in a hurry and panic as if they are preparing to go somewhere or as something bad has happened or is about to happen (i know the more precise date but i am not mentioning it here). Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, black clouds, family, Pakistan, punishment, tyranny, wrongdoing
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Batin Martial Art
Q: I would like to know if the Batin Martial Art is practice in Islam throughout the generation of any prophets? Someone said there is Saidina Ali Sword practice where u can use your hand as a sword. Is this true? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf), Sunnah
Tagged archery, batin, caliphs, danger, desire for power, dhikr, duality, haram, istighfar, jinn, martial arts, martial sports, salawat, Sayyidina `Ali (r), silsilah, spiritual authority, swordplay, swordsmanship, tariqah, transmission, tyranny, unity, weaponry
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Dream: fire/cooling
Sat on a chair, a friend close to me. people put a dark helmet on my head, like the shape of a fish bowl but bigger. they seal it, im having trouble breathing, my thoughts “relax Allah is with me” Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah, dhikr, eyes, force, helmet, light, torch, tyranny, worldly life
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Dream: roti and writing
My wife had a dream that people were making roti bread, the sky was grey, and in the sky she could see arabic writing it was in 2 seperate parts, all the people panicked for while and then calmed down:end of dream. she cant remember what the writing said, but did have ALLAH in the words. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged al-Mahdi, Arabic writing, defeat, injustice, justice, roti, tyranny, weapons, worship
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