Tag Archives: women
Can Muslim women swim?
My aunt died just last week because while traveling back to her and husband house after visiting her father (my grandam) the plane crashed somewhere I don’t know how and she didn’t knew how to swim and she drowned. Continue reading
Majority of women going to hell?
I know that there is a hadith that majority of women in hell for being ungrateful to husband and they are in hell but does that mean they are only temporarily there? Continue reading
Kissing Shaykh’s Hand Revisited
We are still seeing some people who object about Mawlana Shaykh Nazim calling himself the Sultan al-Awliya. Also they repeatedly bring up the objection of kissing his hand. Continue reading
Women attending dhikr during menses
Question: Asalaamuayelaikum brother, Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem Please, could you advise us to the correct legal ruling, or if it is disputed then what ruling Mowlana would advise us to follow concerning: Are women allowed to enter a mosque for … Continue reading
Covering the face whilst in Ihram
I am hoping to perform hajj this year Insha Allah, I know that there is a hadith that states women should not cover their faces while in ihram… Continue reading
Umrah without Mahram
How can a lady without a mehram perform Hajj or Umrah?… Continue reading
Women Working
I want to know the spiritually correct position on women working, as I believe certain aspects of fiqh can be confirmed from spiritual knowledge… Continue reading
Four Ladies Reached Perfection?
I heard a Hadith mentioned in a lesson yesterday that went something like:… Continue reading
Hadith on Women in Paradise
Is there an authentic hadith that says: “I entered Paradise and found that the majority of its inhabitants were women.”? Continue reading