Author Archives: Ustadh Abdul Shakur Hadi
Love and obedience to parents
I’m having issues with being obedient to my parents and giving them the love and respect with the heart,mind and soul the way they deserve. I love them but somehow I’m not able to feel love for them as I see other people revere their parents…. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Madad Ya Allah! Madad Ya Rasulallah! Madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim! Madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Hisham!
Please forgive my lack of adab. My Sheikh, you are wali of Allah. I ask you to treat my heart and make dua for me, from your love! Continue reading
Mureed in Grave
Can a sheikh save his mureed in the grave even if that mureed has committed a lot of sins after bayah… Continue reading
Hanafi Ruling on Seafood
I have recently been researching into what seafood are allowed and what are not. Currently I have found out that Crabs and such crustaceans that survive on land may not be and fish are. My question is what is the Hanafi ruling on… Continue reading
Is Technology Haram?
My question is: Is it Haram to use technology even for good purposes, like knowledge… Continue reading
Losing Iman
I have noticed that my Iman is very weak, I am also not praying the five prayers any more… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Wishing for a child
We’ve been married for 3 months and wishing for a child soon, if Allah wills. However, during a health check, my wife was diagnosed for having problem with hormones… Continue reading
Boxing in islam?
I am thinking to take up boxing as a profession, can you tell me the ruling of it in Islam?
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RE: Following one’s Guide
Can one follow his Guide in hopes of attaining ikhlas in worshipping Allah? Continue reading