Author Archives: Ustadh Abdul Shakur Hadi
Hemp oil
Is there any benefit in using hemp oil and is it halal as it comes from the canabis plant?… Continue reading
I just got to learn that my father in his young days when he was married to my… Continue reading
How to relieve debt
my family is in debt and we are very worried how we pay the amount… Continue reading
In the state of impurity (either major or minor) is it permissible to recite shahada (either loudly or silently)… Continue reading
Reciting Quran while sleeping
I have experienced this for more than one time that I wake up reciting some Surah (silently, not loudly)… Continue reading
Naqshbandi Haqqani clothing
I wanted to know that the clothing which Sheikh Nazim via Naqshbandi Haqqani wear… Continue reading
Prayer Request: To lift awarid from my family
Please pray for me and my family, in the last two years we have had loads of problems including financial loss, failing exams… Continue reading
making up unfasted ramadan
Last Ramadan I was pregnant so I didn’t feel capable of fasting. I had a difficult pregnancy and have only started to recover the fasting recently Continue reading