Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Dream: istikhara dream .. the niyat was that the xyz girl has the niyat of marrying me or no
I had done this istikhara 7 to 8 times. I used to get a dream that I’m in my ex school with my sir something studing in the school with the sir and all. Continue reading
changing surname
My stepfather had replaced my father’s name with his own in my school records. I tried changing that name officially once I realised it was a mistake but could not do it. My father was a Sayyid and Hashmi. Continue reading
Please do istikhara for me. My name is [private], my mother’s name is [private] and father’s name is [private]. Continue reading
Is video making haram? Can we make video of olema to spread Islamic knowledge and faith?
1]. Is video making haram? Can we make video of olema to spread Islamic knowledge and faith?
2]. Which type of tasweer are haram? Is in computer and mobile phone on wallpaper and other images of living thing in memory are haram? Continue reading
At the beginning of every hundred years comes a prophet ?
Could you please cite the scholars regarding the matter that every hundred years there comes a prophet (I do not mean mujaddid). Continue reading
marriage proposal
My dear Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and eshaykh staff.
My name is [private]. As per order of Mawlana Shaykh I have been searching for a wife. Alhamdulillah I have found a girl (her name is [private], daughter of [private]) Continue reading
Prayer Request: Help
Dear Maulana sahib, I wanted to request u to pray for my marriage as I am getting very old. I have no brother, father or any male member in the house and life is becoming very difficult for me day by day. Continue reading
Last week a marriage proposal came for me and he was perfect. He was what I had prayed for from Allah but I refused on a really stupid thing. It was my first proposal. Now I am regretting it very severely. Continue reading
Surah Fatiha
I was thinking about the hadith saying “don’t be surprised if a dead person wakes up after reading Surah Fatiha 70 times on them.” Continue reading
Name of khawarij groups in Islamic history ?
What was the name of the khawarij groups in Islamic history who were famous for seizing small cities and establishing there their “Darul Islam” and can you cite scholars of their time about them or advise me where to read about them? Continue reading