Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

Dream:Mawlana Shaykh Hisham and perfume

I dreamed more about you almost everyday but I rarely dreamed about Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading

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Dream: Seydina Djibril.

I dreamed I was in a dark place, lost, and I heard Allah. He answered repeating, “Allah”. Continue reading

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Meaning of “ameen”

what is the meaning of “Ameen”? Where does it come from?[fr] what is the meaning of “Ameen”? Where does it come from?[/fr] Continue reading

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I am trying to learn Arabic, as I heard Mawlana Shaykh Nazim say we should. I have done very well so far, but find it almost impossible to memorize. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: exams

Could you please pray for my exams and those of my two brothers. [fr]Could you please pray for my exams and those of my two brothers. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: Wheat fields

After I had a miscarriage in a dream I heard a voice saying, “Don’t be sad. Everything that comes from you will be like this”. Continue reading

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Dream: Imam Abu Hanifa in space

I saw two star signs, one was of cancer and I didn’t remember the second one!
Then a cross mark appeared on both signs and it was a feeling like when these stars are crossed we can reach the space where ALLAH (swt) is present! Continue reading

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Love For Whom

My heart is so confused in who I love more, Sultan Shaykh Nazim(q) or Mawlana Shaykh Hisham(q)… Is it okay for me to have more love for you Ya Sayyidi(q)? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: knee problem

I have very bad knee pain and I find it hard to walk. Continue reading

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The meaning of name

Q:My name Zulfikar Abubakar. Name is Du’a What do i related my name? Continue reading

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