Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

Hadith of Naheek

Q:regarding this hadith: was this based on the Prophet’s (s) specific knowledge about Nuhayk’s father? Continue reading

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Samson and Delilah

I would like to ask some help concerning my problem with my husband. It’s about a bad influence that came from his friends. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Go to Hajj this year

My mom and I have signed up pilgrims in the past year, and we included a waiting list of 1.5 million people in Indonesia. Continue reading

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Dream: White Cat & Black Dog

I was in Lefke, on the way to the Dargeh for fajr prayer. I saw a white cat standing at attention as I walked. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Work

I recently have been retrenched and without work for 6 months. Continue reading

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Dream: Sayyidina Mahdi and Sayyidina Isa as

I saw in my dream that I was standing near a plane waiting to go and see Imam Mahdi a.s. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Dua for my Brother.

Please can you make dua for my brother Fazal Abbas Syed for his better health, success, barakat, main dua for issue with police to resolve inshAllah. Continue reading

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Prophet being Alim ul-ghayb refuted by sahih hadith?

Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet salla-llahu alayhi wasallam said, “On the Day of Resurrection a group of companions will come to me, but will be driven away from the Lake-Fount, and I will say, ‘O Lord (those are) my companions!’ Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Dua for Shifa e Ilahi

I wish to request my Muslim brethren to please pray to Almighty Allah for my recovery of a disease that is causing pain and suffering to both me and my wife. Continue reading

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Dream: Sheikh Nazim in green

In my dream I see myself getting to a height physically. Then I look down and I see stairs that are covered. Continue reading

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