Author Archives: Eshaykh Staff

Prayer Request: Dua request desire

I am suffering from a serious blackmagic for over 15 years.
It has caused serious mental and physical damage to me and my whole life Continue reading

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Validity Prayers in Makkah &Madinah

We all know that the currenty both in Makkah sharif and Madinah sharif the current Saudi regime which controls it are Wahabis,even the imams who lead the prayers seem to be wahabis … Continue reading

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Do we have Guardian Angels?

Indeed, do we have Guardian Angels protecting us? Continue reading

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Critical Thinking and Debate in Tariqa

My problem is you see that in tariqat all debate and critical thinking is stifled and the more I watch videos of the Shaikh for whom I have great affection I see his mureeds rendered into a state of infantalism in front of a beloved icon… Continue reading

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Printing and Making Taweez

Is it permissible to print these and fold them in a small plastic bag and then put them in a leather pouch to wear? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: your duas have put me on the right path again

I asked maulana to pray for me before because I am a very bad person ALHAMDULILLAH now I feel as my heart is opening towards light again and INSHALLAH thisz time I won’t fail JAZAKALLAH for praying… Continue reading

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Group Zikr in Abu Dhabi

IS their any group zikr in Abu Dhabi , for women and children? Continue reading

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Becoming a talib of Shaykh Nazim al haqqani

I was wondering if i could become a talib of the repected shaykh nazim al haqqani, as i cannot do bayah with him because i have done bayah with another shaykh. Continue reading

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What is Qadr – Limited free Will

Everything happens by the permission or Will of Allah.
Allah created the Satan, Satan disobeyed Allah. Allah knew that satan would do this… Continue reading

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Why girls have to wear hijab

I would be very delighted if you could clarify this question- Why girls wear hijab in Islam and boys don’t (considering both have to observe lowering their gazes). Continue reading

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